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Silver Romney Ewe Fleece 3L “Belle” Raw 7#'s 13oz

Silver Romney Ewe Fleece 3L “Belle” Raw 7#'s 13oz

Regular price $125.00
Regular price Sale price $125.00
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Beautiful Locked Fleece with lustrous soft variegated silver color.  Lock structure is even throughout fleece.  Nice hand.  Handspinning ready!

Romney 2yr old Ewe Belle’s soft silver 6 inch long staple lock gleams!  Beautiful "French Fry" style lock structure. This ewe is of the very soft silver lineage with some fade with darker silver interspersed. 

Heavily skirted with britch and any neck or back wool with veggie contamination removed. Ready for handpsinning and the fiber artist who wants to have some fun!

Shearing Date: November 2023
Age: 2 Years
Staple Length: 6 inch
Weight: 7 lb 13 oz
Blanketed: No

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Fleeces are guaranteed and if they do not meet your expectations, arrangements can be made to exchange or refund after returned in original condition.

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