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Raw Romney White Fleece 3L "Merriweather"

Raw Romney White Fleece 3L "Merriweather"

Regular price $110.00
Regular price Sale price $110.00
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A 2yr old fleece that has beautiful luster and that "French Fry" lock structure so wonderful in Romney fleeces!. Skirted for wonderful Handspinninng or Fiber Arts Experience! 

This fleece has a silky hand and will wash up beautifully.  Skirted and held back as a show fleece that I decided to part with early. Lock structure is even throughout and hosts a  5" Staple Length!

Ready for Handspinning. Heavily skirted fleece with any damaged or heavily Veggie Matter contaminated areas removed.  Hand Spinning Ready.

White Romney Yearling Ewe Fleece                                                                                      Shearing Date: Nov 2023
Age: 2 Years                              
Staple Length: 5-inch            
Weight: 6 lbs 5oz
Blanketed: No

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Fleeces are guaranteed and if they do not meet your expectations, arrangements can be made to exchange or refund after returned in original condition.


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